Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Patiently I am waiting.
Not so patiently I am waiting. Waiting to hear back.
Waiting on the Lord.
Waiting and waiting and waiting.

Waiting isn't a bad place to be. It can be hard and stressful and full of anxiety.
BUT it can also be a time of just resting in the father's love, knowing whatever the outcome, it's what He wants and in His timing and not my own.

Have you heard yet? When will you hear? You haven't heard anything?!
These are things that I've been hearing recently. I'm waiting to hear back from my base, to see if I get to return to the land that I have fallen in love with and pour into students and to just learn more about my Poppa and being His daughter. It's hard some days, who am I kidding, it's hard most days but I know that it will happen in the right timing. Not my own, but in God's timing. I am learning patience. I am learning to be at peace.

If I get accepted, I will be so excited to be going back to a land that I love and to be with people that I adore. If I don't, I know God has better things in store for me. That I will be right where I am supposed to be. I don't serve a small God. I serve a BIG God. A God who answers prayers, who preforms miracles! A God who takes care of the little things and the big things! My God is not a puny God, He is a mighty God. My God provides. He is a good father. He just wants to lavish on gifts and love onto His children. He just wants to spend time with His kids. That's all that He is looking for, a relationship with you. He wants all of us, mind, body, and soul.

And sometimes He makes us wait. So until Poppa shows what's next, I will continue to wait.

Will you wait with me?