Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dr. Pepper

Today I am having a Dr. Pepper to remember a great leader, mentor, example and friend. Every time I have a Dr. Pepper I remember Phil Penner and the influence he had on my life. He had such a heart for missions and for people and for the lost. 4 years ago I was at camp when a friend told me that Phil was no longer with us. It's true when people say you don't know what you had until it was gone. Phil has played such an influence on my life and I know that he would be proud of me for going over seas on this great adventure to serve God and further the kingdom. I know he is proud of all the students he worked with and the people that he reached out to. I am so thankful for the influence Phil had on my life through those rough Junior High years and continuing throughout high school. Phil was an example of a Christ Follower. He made everyone feel loved and cared for at youth group. He went out of his way to talk to you and to come to your events. Phil opened my eyes to the world around me and how I am not in this little bubble of Val world but how there are people on the other side of the world that need to hear about Jesus. I am going to the other side of the world to tell people about Jesus. I am getting outside of my comfort zone and being pushed outside of my normal life. I am so excited, nervous and happy about this trip.

So thank you Phil for the influence you had on my life and so many other peoples. I wouldn't be the person I am today without people like you in my life. I am so grateful to have had you as a leader in my life. I miss you but I know that I'll see you again one day. 

So today I am drinking a Dr. Pepper which has become a favorite of mine and remembering some one very special to a lot of people and dwelling on God's goodness and faithfulness throughout the years.